Need currant information on this mission for talk at church : LUSENET : Portugal Porto Mission : One Thread

My son's farewell is Sunday the 19th, I wanted to talk about the mission, but can't find information such as 1. When was Portugal Mission split from 1 then 2 then 3 missions 2. When did Porto become it's own mission 3. What are the boundries of this mission 4. I would especially like a map of the mission itself. When my 1st son went on a mission they sent us a map which we enjoyed looking at. 5.I would like information about how the mission is going, is there much success? Are the people open or skeptical? How cold does it get there in the winter? Would it be better for him to buy a coat there or here? What should he be sure and bring(this for our own knowledge, not for the talk) Anyway, it will be interesting to see if I get an answer.I hope so because I have to start working on my talk and I don't know where else to look. Thanks

-- Barbara (, July 13, 1998


Hi, I don't really have answers for you, and I see it's a little late for your talk. I hope all went well. Our son Joseph is currently serving in the Portugal Porto Mission. He loves it! He brought a coat with him. Did you get a list of clothing to bring? We followed that list. He actually got to Portugal on Dec 31. I'm not sure if he ever used his winter coat (rain coat with liner). Summer's in 80s and 90s. The country looks absolutely beautiful! The people are very friendly, but so far, he's found it not very fruitful, as far as baptisms go. The people are mostly non-practicing Catholics. His visa was 4 weeks late, so he served for 4 weeks in San Gabriel, in a Spanish speaking mission. He also loved that, and did 2 baptisms while he served there. I hope your son loves it in Porto as much as our son does. We are truly blessed!

-- Rich Gabriel (, September 02, 1998.

I would like answeres to your same questions. I also have a son going to porto he leaves Sept 8, 1999. For the MTC. Do the young men really need the over shoes and the coat with liner? I hope your son is enjoying his mission in Porto. My son is so excited to go.

-- Kay (Kaymesa@AOL.COM), July 25, 1999.

i don't know what i could do to help - unless it is in terms of mailing a map or something to you...but i served a mission in porto from may 1996 to outubro 1997...if i can be of any help to you - please let me know! it is wonderful there...and i miss it every day! i hope that your son is doing well and loving it as much as i do...!! tchau for now! be true! CTR - michelle

-- michelle lynn baca (, September 21, 1999.

I have the very same questions! Any chance of someone emailing me with the answers, especially we are curious about what area the mission covers! Thanks. May 2000

-- Patti Fairbourn (, May 30, 2000.

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