portfolio info please

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

i am considering putting together a portfolio of my work but am unsure where to begin. does anyone know of a good book that discusses what a good portfolio contains. i'm looking for info on what size the prints should be, layout, etc. i'm putting this together for my own personal collection of prints i like, i also plan to use this in order to show my work to others(galleries, cafes, etc.) thanks for any info.

-- (moschika@yahoo.com), June 30, 1998



I'm not sure whether there is a standard template for a portfolio but you should be able to find books in any decent library. However my advice would be to make sure the prints are the best ones you can produce, no smaller than 5x7 and the selection should match your intentions. Between 12 and 20 prints are more than enough. As for the binder you could go out and spend alot on a leather presentation case but if it looks better than the photos then you are in trouble. A simple plastic or paper binder with 'clear' letter-size sleeves is more than adequate and looks very smart. Make sure to use either black or white backing paper and have identical sized, labels with the name of the image, the date, final print size (optional) and of course your name. I wish you the best of luck with your quest and remember to ALWAYS be gracious in the face of rejection. You will be surprised at how many places would love to have your work on their walls.

-- Andy Laycock (agl@intergate. bc.ca), July 11, 1998.

Try searching Amazon.com under Photography/Portfolio. There are several books listed there that you might be able to take a look at in your local library/bookstore.

-- Naomi Diamant (nadiamant@aol.com), August 05, 1999.

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