Diesel generatorsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Does anyone out there know of a source for large industrial strength diesel generators - something that will produce in the neighborhood of 35-50 kw?
-- Dickieboy (angusdude@my.yahoo.com), June 24, 1998
You might try the following links:http://www.surplusrecord.com/dealer2.htm http://www.wordpr.com/genex/ http://www.davan.com/UPS%20Repair.html http://www.adamselectric.com/onan/marine/index5-25kw.html http://www.wabashpower.thomasregister.com/olc/wabashpower/diesel.htm http://www.wabashpower.thomasregister.com/olc/wabashpower/diesel.htm http://www.planopower.com/honda/diesel_generator.html http://boatdiesel.com/Generators/Westerbeke/Westerbeke_B.htm
-- Rocky Knolls (rknolls@hotmail.com), June 25, 1998.
Imperial Diesel Machinery at 800-830-0498. They are in Kinsman. OH and are run apparently by the Amish folks. Delivery is up to about 16 weeks. They carry a 30K, 35K and 40K gen set. 4 Cylinder 65 HP diesel generator.
-- Gene Peterson (carvgene@gis.netq), July 01, 1998.