Kate and Leo doing another film together!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Could Leo and Kate be doing another film together called A Farwell to Arms? According to this sight for Kate fans they are considering it.


My only question is didn't Sandra Bullock and Chris O'Donnell just do this adaption about two years ago called In Love and War? I could be mistaken but I thought it was a Hemingway book about his time in the war and they just changed the name.

-- Shaunna (Shaunna@visualmetrics.com), June 24, 1998


I'm not sure about the movie you mentioned, but I just saw that both of their names are in the credits of the Woody Allen movie "Celebrity" that will be released sometime soon.

-- Karen (dkbuchta@pulsenet.com), July 11, 1998.

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