WE WUZ GYPPED!!!!!!!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I payed $3.99 for the July issue of Playgirl to see the nude Leo pictures, and they weren't in there!!!!! So if you were gonna buy one for the same reason, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!

-- Crying in my beer (foo@bar.com), June 09, 1998


Didn't you hear that Leo had filed a lawsuite against them to get the pictures stopped from being printed?!?! Well, he won it obviously. The pictures were only of nude scenes from one of his movies anyway.

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), June 09, 1998.

Umm... Why would anybody want to see Leo naked?

-- Rose (rose364@earthlink.net), June 09, 1998.

What do you mean, Rose, why would anyone want to see Leo naked? Well, duh!

-- gk (foo@bar.com), June 10, 1998.

Okay, we had pictures of Leo in the buff published in one of our magazines a few weeks ago, and I've got to say, you're not missing much. It showed him naked in bed kissing a guy and walking away from the camera with his hand over his "privates" but you could see his bare tooshie. He really is quite puny, not many muscles at all.

-- Emma (foo@bar.com.au), June 10, 1998.

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