Looking for Robert Wee

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco Art : One Thread

I would like to know if anyone can point me in the direction of Seascape Artist Robert Wee. I have some of his early paintings. Thank you

-- S D Ragsdale (ARROWnHrt@interjetnet.net), June 03, 1998


My email has changed to the above ARROWnHRT@cyberscope.net and I am still looking for Robert wee thank you

-- Sundae Dean (ARROWnHRT@cyberscope.net), April 13, 2001.

I have a still life that belonged to my mother. The signature is either "Robert Wee" or "Nee". The down stroke of the"T" either forms the first letter of the last name making it a "w", or not. Does the signature sound familiar? It was framed in Glendale New York. If this is a Wee, can you tell me anything @ the artis

-- Irene Takamizu (Irenehope@aol.com), July 31, 2001.

We recently discovered that we have a Robert Wee seascape painting (24x36). The back says Glendale, NY. I assume it is the framers supply house address. Now I need to get the name of the painting (at least 25 years old). He lives in Pollock Pines, CA and is information is easily available on the Internet.

-- Bob Hamel (hamel@calis.com), March 01, 2002.

i dont kno

-- hkjsfhgsjk osdhjglskfj osdjldis (fvgfdhf@yahoo.com), October 21, 2002.

I have a robert wee nude from behind with a yellow towel.

-- art bistline (abistline@imbris.com), October 25, 2002.

I own three exceptional Robert Wee original oils from ealrty 80's. I'm selling them as part of my mother's estste. They were part of her art gallery collection.

They are: "Foggy Interlude" - Oil - 30"x48" framed $6.500 "Summer Dream" - oil -24"x36" framed $3,700 "Setting Sun" - oil -14"x18" framed $1,100

Dina Grant

-- Dina Grant (dinag15@cox.net), November 02, 2002.

I just bought a Robert Wee painting of a seascape for $800. It is 30x48 and I was womdering if anyone could tell me what it might be appraised at.

-- Ritchie Fung (rfung@debianit.com), December 17, 2002.

I have a Robert Wee 20x16 oil painting purchased early 1970's in Palm Springs, California. Interested? More Details? Send E-mail

-- D Miller (legendspizzadrgo@aol.com), February 24, 2003.

I too would like to know how to get in touch with Mr. Wee. He was a struggling artist in 1950-51 and lived across the street from me in a brownstone on St. James Place in Philadelphia, PA. I bought 2 magnificent seascapes direct. He is a few years older than I (72)and I hope my memory is not just a senior moment. I am in the process of selling off some of my more treasured items in order to go into retirement. These two Robert Wee Paintings have been hanging in my dining room since the late 60s. Just by chance I looked up his name on the internet. What a pleasant surprise. Can someone help verify these facts?

-- Robert Reed (rcr91744@aol.com), July 05, 2003.

Robert Wee must have painted alot for I have several myself. There are some galleries listed on the internet that show his work and I am sure they could contact him for you. Maybe they'd be willing to take your paintings on consignment or ask thje artist if he would like to buy them back. Hope you are successful in your search.

-- Carol Gordon (kachar.tms@verizon.net), July 07, 2003.

I have a Sea Scape Painted by Robert Wee. It is truly beautiful and I found out that some of his paintings are sought after by Californians that love his coastal scenes. I'll part with it if the price is right! Call me 1 727 455 0291 Carmen Rizzo

-- Carmen C Rizzo (luckydogauction@aol.com), August 07, 2003.

please let me know when you find Robert Wee. thank you very much.

-- fonda shen (mail@fondashen.com), August 14, 2003.

I have two Robert Wee paintings of the rough seas. One has a seagull with a lighthouse on top of a hill in the background. Anyone have any information on Robert Wee please let me know.

-- Mel Long (melvis2000@yahoo.com), November 19, 2003.

I have found a few Robert Wee Seascapes online, but as yet have found no catalog or book of all his works . I would love to buy one if anyone knows where one can be purchesed. I still have my 4 seascapes : ) sundae

-- Sundae Dean (watergirl2@sbcglobal.net), March 25, 2004.

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