IS LEO NOW UNATTACHED? {commitment to next film} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Publicists for Leonardo DiCaprio began contradicting reports that he was "attached" to star in American Psycho for Lions Gate Films, after DiCaprio learned that two others who had previously been chosen to work on the movie, actor Christian Bale and director Mary Harron had been ditched, the Los Angeles Times reported today (Wednesday). DiCaprio's iffy stance about the project has raised questions about just what it means to be "attached" to a film, the Times observed, noting that DiCaprio continues to maintain that he is interested in the project.

-- Dan Draghici (, June 03, 1998


As the saying goes, "Contracts, baby, contracts."

In the movie industry, a signed contract is the only sure guarantee that someone is 'attached' to a film project.


-- Thomas M. Terashima (, June 04, 1998.

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