Relocation/employment : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I am an employee of a state agency. Good job, salary, benefits, etc. Am concerned re: possibility of job being "too secure" if a state of emergency were to be declared. Also am concerned about dependability of any employer's ability to pay in the event of a banking crisis. Should I quit now, take my retirement money and leave?

-- Bob Purcell (, May 25, 1998



That's a question no one can answer for you; you are going to have to make that decision yourself. Research the problem (there are numerous good sources available on the Internet) and weigh your options. You might consider moving to a rural area that is close enough to commute to your job for a short time (a year).

I'm in the same boat as you: I am a federal government employee. I've decided that the odds (or feasibility) of my continued employment after 1-1-00 are pretty slim. Because of that assessment, I have already converted some of my retirement funds into tangible assets and plan on relocating out of the metropolitan area I currently live in before the end of this year.

-- Nabi Davidson (, May 26, 1998.

My dad is a punch press operator and my mom is unwilling to move. Therefore, I am stuck here in the SFBay Area.

If I were a bachelor living alone I could easily do what I want, which is to get out of here. You are lucky. You have the choice.

GL, Ken

-- Ken Ott (, May 31, 1998.

For those with your situation ie. do i quit now and find a hole to hide in or what? we are offereing an alternative. WE are offering a Rv ruge on 2000 acres of mountain land in the appalachains. Literally every thing is ready, all you need is an Rv, initial food supply, garden seed, and personal hand tools we supply the rest, ie farm equipment, security, everything else you need, includong off grid power. You can bring your Rv up and store it till you nee it, quit woek when it don't work no more and come on to the RV refuge. call me C brown at 800 633 7692 for details

-- c r brown (, June 01, 1998.

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