Absolution {FanFic sequel}

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Just thought I'd mention to anyone who doesn't know that there is a wonderful fanfiction story being written about Rose, as a sequel to Titanic. There are five chapters up so far. The address is:


-- Lianne (liannegraham@one.net.au), May 25, 1998


Response to Absolution

I encourage you to read it. It's very well written stuff!

-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), May 26, 1998.

Response to Absolution

I have read this already and it is a great read. Cameron should have hired her to work on the original Titanic script.

-- Emma (foo@bar.com.au), May 26, 1998.

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