SCL equipment : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

What color were SCL maintenance vehicles painted and what king of markings did they carry? Also, what was the exact placement of the the horns and bells on SCL GP 9"s which had these mounted on top of the short hood. In otherwords, were they centered, off center, etc.? Thanks much!

-- Rick Milas (, May 09, 1998


SCL MofW vehicles were painted dark green. They had a black and white herald with a red "SCL" on the door. ID lettering and numbers was white. Most started out with "SCLV" and then a number. The Condensed Rosters available from the Society give the vehicle numbers.

-- Paul Faulk (, May 07, 1999.

For my part, I remember GP-9's with three chime horns. The horns were on the short hood and off centered to the right. The often sounded an Ab or a Bb major chord. Ocassionally there were some with two chimes and once I remember a single chime. But I could not tell you if these horns were of a different configuration nor if They were the same three chime setup that wasn't working properly.

-- Andrew Callo (, July 20, 1998.

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