Does anyone contract out the modification of rail switches? : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I have read the information on modifying Shinohara rail switches for DDC and was very impressed with the depth of the instructions. However I don't want to attempt the modifications myself. Can someone give me a price quote for making Shinohara switches DCC Ready/Friendly? I am about to build an extensive yard full of them.

-- Theo Wilhelm (, April 29, 1998



I waited a few days to see if anyone would go for this. Do you already have the switches? It takes almost an hour per switch. What would you be willing to pay for that hour??? The Pilz/Elite has almost as good a selection of switches as Shinohara. They look AT LEAST as good as Shinohara. They are worth checking out.

-- Allan W. Gartner (, April 30, 1998.

Are you recommending Pilz/Elite? I am half way through laying track with my layout. I spent alot of time researching track without having anyone really recommending anything (I suspect none had a broad enough experience to make a call). I have about 30 more rail switches to install, most in a yard. All of my visible track is Walthers code 83 on mainline and Shinohara code 70 on yards and sidings. I have not purchased any of the track not yet installed. If you tell me that Pilz/Elite is DCC friendly and that it will reasonably match what I have then I will switch my switches. Where is the best place to buy Pilz/Elite ? Is there a website where I can see what is available? I have a number of curved rail switches which I might consider replacing rather than modifying since they are so tolerance sensitive. Does Pilz/Elite make matching curved rail switches?

-- Bob Gamble (, May 01, 1998.

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