Odorless Sepia Toner

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I like the look that sepia toner gives me, but not the smell. I found a web page that gives instructions for an odorless sepia toner, but I don't know where to acquire the chemicals needed. Is there a good company that sells, by mail, these types of products.

Potassium ferricyanide and Potassium Bromide for the bleach. Thiourea and Sodium Hydroxide for the toner.

If someone has a better idea, let me know!

Thanks Phillip

-- Phillip Allen (pierron@aol.com), March 25, 1998


If Photographer's Formulary doesn't have this stuff no one will. Their web site is http://www.montana.com/formulary/Index.html.

-- Darron Spohn (sspohn@concentric.net), March 25, 1998.

Fotospeed makes a pre-packaged odorless sepia toner, their type ST20. Calumet carries it, as well as other suppliers.


-- Chris Ellinger (ellinger@umich.edu), April 01, 1998.

The problem with the thiourea sepia toners is that they give very sickly yellow tones--I can't imagine anyone wanting such tones in their prints. Better to just use the sulfide toners with adequate ventilation.

-- Ed Buffaloe (edbuffaloe@earthlink.net), January 20, 1999.

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