Salt Bath?? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Has anyone heard of using a salt bath to aid in washing your prints after toning?? If so, could you expand on the process?? I read this in an article a long time ago, but can't remember where. Thanx......John
-- John Carolan (, March 24, 1998
A "salt bath" would generally refer to using sodium salts -- better known as sodium sulfite -- and not "table salt." You can get about the same results as obtained with Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent, by using a 2% solution of sodium sulfite. Frank
-- Frank Armstrong (, March 26, 1998.
Frank: Thanks for getting back to me. I'll check this out and see if it helps. The problem that I am trying to resolve is getting a good wash after toning. Mainly blue. I print with fairly large borders, and when using blue toner it impregnates the borders of my print. I then have a heck of a time washing to get this out.....Thanx for your help....John
-- John Carolan (, March 26, 1998.
John--- Not knowing what toner you are using, I can offer that there are some toners that do respond to common table salt as a type of clearing agent. I would suggest that you run a few test using a 10 % solution of salt to see the effect on the toner you are using.
-- jim megargee (, March 27, 1998.