greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread


A veritable riot broke out in London's Leicester Square Thursday night as Leonardo DiCaprio arrived for a benefit British premiere of The Man in the Iron Mask. Today's (Friday) London Times, citing police estimates that the screaming crowd gathered in front of the Odeon Theater numbered more than 20,000, (AP put the number at 5,000) said that many of those who had arrived early and had taken positions behind barriers found themselves besieged as the crowd surged forward. Twenty-two persons, crushed in the milie, had to be pulled to safety, the Times reported. Jeremy Irons, who co-stars in the film with DiCaprio, observing the crowd's frenzy, commented on his arrival, "I don't envy him this at all. Leonardo doesn't like that sort of attention."

-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), March 20, 1998


Poor guy! That would be down right scary!

-- Rachel (katia83@yahoo.com), March 21, 1998.

I watched a part of that. At some point, the guy actually looked a little embarassed. Some of the girls were crying and were totally wild. Kinda reminds me of Michael Jackson.

-- Rose (rose364@earthlink.net), March 21, 1998.

That is, like, SO stupid. Those girls crying and acting wild and all that. Now don't get me wrong, I think Leo is about the cutest guy on Earth, but I'm not the one balling over this guy like he's some god. Mother Teresa was a Saint, if you ask me, and Leo is getting more publicity than she did probably ever in her life. He's an actor, not a King. DiCaprio didn't ever want to be like this, and he deserves a little privacy and sympathy. He looks so rundown and pale these days, I'm 'fraid he won't last long under these conditions. I'm a 20 year old model. (Unknown model, so don't ask who I am) Never met the guy, doubt I ever will. But if I do, you can bet that I won't hyperventelate. Give the guy some space, for if he doesn't get, he'll drown for real.

-- Lyss (dcfarms@clear.lakes.com), April 13, 1998.

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