RFC: B&W World Classifieds?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hi all,

This is a request for comments (RFC) for an idea that has been floating around in my noggin for a few weeks and needs a reality check before I turn it into a feature.

Several B&W Worlders have emailed me to suggest starting up a classified advertising section in B&W World. In addition, I recently surveyed subscribers to the B&W World "Insider's Newsletter" and was surprised at how many indicated a willingness to buy or sell cameras, photos, etc. on line.

So, should I start a B&W Photographer's Classifieds section? If so, I'm open to ideas as to how it should be set up. Also, given that I'm not equipped to handle on-line transactions myself, I'm open to suggestions about methods of payment--especially US$ from people outside the US--that everyone would be comfortable with.

As for fees, I'm considering $25 for a 50-word ad for 1 month and a lower monthly fee for ads that run 3 or 6 months. Given that the site gets over 15,000 visitors a month, does this sound reasonable?

TIA for your feedback!


-- Mason Resnick (mresnick@idt.net), March 19, 1998

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