Stopping the CC info from being sent to custoners : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

Like that fact the after the order been placed the customer gets a copy of the order via e-mail. One problem I've been having is the CC information is also sent to the customer. This gets them very upset! becuase the information is sent via unsecure e-mail. I've tied to stop this information fomr being sent to the custmer but have not been able to get it to work. Can you add this to your next release?


-- John Barnett (, March 08, 1998


Hello John,

There is a hidden input field in the orders.html file (the customer info form) that you can set to exclude the cc info from the customer's email. It should look like this

Put this in below the

and you'll solve the problem. Good luck.

-- Bob Orr (, March 13, 1998.

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