Any other BLee collectables out there??????? : LUSENET : Bruce Lee Trade/Buy/Swap Shop : One Thread |
Hi,I'm trying to find someone, ANYONE who would know where else I could look for BRUCE LEE collectables for sale. And not necessarily on the net/web.
PLEASE.....if anyone knows where I might find any info out there on
where I could find more info.... please let me know.
-- Bindy Wuertenberg (, February 25, 1998
I have many items that I have collected over the years (books, magazines, records, pictures, films, slides, cards, posters, etc) and would be interested in trading with any collectors.Let me know.
-- Troy (, April 03, 1998.
Hello Bruce Lee Fans,There are Bruce Lee commemorative stamps and phone cards which are unique collectibles.
I also collect BL figurines which are similar to GI Joe type toys. I have a large collection of BL magazines from HK in the 70's. Some I have doubles and even triplicates. I am willing to trade for the "old stuff" also from the same era.
Contact me if you like to be part of the BL Network of exchange of memorabilia information between fans.
John Chan
-- John Chan (, September 05, 1998.