I would like to know about Mrs.Michael L. Mellor's Arts.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco Art : One Thread

She lived in San Francisco for a long time.She learned arts in 1978 and after she became an artist and she published some books,I heard. Unfortunately,she passed away in 1992.I'd like to know on her works of art.What kind of works did she make? In those days I called her Mary Gin.

-- Fumitada Kimpara (pq7f-knpr@asahi-net.or.jp), February 23, 1998


I just happened upon your post on a google search I was doing. I am Mary Gin's daughter, and if you still would like to have your questions answered I would be happy to do so. How did you come to know my mother? Contact me at mellorgold@aol.co

-- Christie Mellor (mellorgold@aol.com), December 18, 2002.

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