database & search smart.cgi : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

Hi, am using barry scripts to set up shop for record store... have set the option in smart.cfg for: $cgiurl = ""; and the $secureurl = " have been informed by the webadmin that the basepath is $basepath= "/www/db/unsound/uns"; am using standard web store setup for present.

Does this seem correct, if the demofooter and demoheader are appearing in the front page?

Second Q

$resourcedb = "uns.db"; fields in uns.db follow smart.cgi suggestions for column headers and groups is the final field.

Does the .db file have to have headers in it to specify the fields?

Third Q groups are configured: %groups = ('12EP', 'LP', 'CD', 'CDS', '12'); front page opens up OK including demoheader and demofooter.html select option only contains 1 option usually the third one in the group, this also happens when using the demo.db upon pressing button for group search am returned with internal 500 error

can anyone assist with situation, am relative newbie to perl and cgi but have some basic understanding.

thanks in advance

-- William Kolln (, February 22, 1998


As for groups, you need an even number of entries...your example will use 12EP as the internal group name, and will display LP as the logical name for the group, likewise with CD and CDS. The 12 needs a logical name, so I'd suggest using the second example

%groups = ('12EP', 'LP', 'CD', 'CDS', '12');

%groups = ('12EP', 'LP', 'CD', 'CDS', '12', '12');

-- Bob Orr (, February 26, 1998.

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