sports psychology information : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread

I am currently researching the role of the sports psychologist, whether it is conentrated on mind or body. Do you know where i might find info on this subject? If you have any insight on this topic I'd appreciate some feedback.

-- michael mandarino (, February 12, 1998


I was intrigued by your question. Could you send me any responses that you have received? I would be interested to know what the typical day of a sports psychologist entails. Thanks!

-- chris (, March 13, 2000.

Im currently a high school psychology student but i find the field quite interesting and am almost certain that i would some day like to have a career in psychology. If at all possible could you send me your findings as well. I just find this Sports Psychology field quite interesting. Thanks Chase Hertel

-- Chase Hertel (, August 28, 2000.

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