How will fuel availability vary with fuel types? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I am aware that kerosene and diesel fuel involve less technology to produce than gasoline. Therefore I expect that gasoline shortages will come sooner and will likely last longer in a breakdown. What I don't understand is how much lower on the technology scale are the production proceses for fuels such as kerosene and diesel, and how much sooner production of these fuels would return after a crash, or how much more likely these fuels are to be available in a technology/infrastrucutre breakdown.
-- William Wegert (, February 10, 1998
My thinking on the fuel situation is this;1. Cracking plants need power to produce fuel of any kind. Most of the systems are electronically controlled. If I am wrong PLEASE let me know. 2. No electricity! no fuel! 3. It appears from my research that electrical utilities, power producers, transmission lines, distribution facilities, all have electronic controls and the dreaded embedded chips. 4. No power = ? 5. What aspect of our lives doesnt consume electricity of some form or other? 6. When one takes the next step out in the electrical problem, HOW do we fix systems that use electricity if the supply is limited or non existant? I want my server to run so I can check to see whats wrong with my network, but it wont turn on. Its the old chicken/egg theory. I am sure this has occured to everybody, but I would like to here what others think. Bob
-- Robert Abbott (, February 14, 1998.