Help with homework : LUSENET : Fiction 98 Help Desk - Site Related Questions : One Thread

Is there anyone who has a good grip on these assignments? I am in the military and in college, I have been printing out assignments but have not had time to complete them. I would appreciate it if I could email my assignments to someone when I do complete them and get their opinion on my work. Thanks to anyone who can help.

-- Dione Machado (, January 30, 1998


Hi Dione. I know how it is being busy myself, but I will be glad to help in any way I can.

-- Hugh (, February 02, 1998.

Dione (and others interested,)

I took a Creative Writing course from a community college some time ago, and one of the things we did after the course was done, was to start a Writer's Group (it is capitalized because that is it's name.) At the group we submit and critique each other's work. We found a good rule of thumb was to explain before reading/handing out the work exactly how 'tied into' the work we were. In other words, am I tender about this, so answer with gentle care; am I comfortable with it and you, so whale away, no holds barred; or am I somewhere in the middle - if you hurt, I'll cry and you can try again. This worked well for us, and we are still meeting once a month after three years. (We don't have a lot of success to report for that three years - two screenplays under consideration, a song published, a story published, and four or five poems among the six of us, but we ARE still together, still writing, and still speaking to each other.)

-- Colin R. Onstad (, February 16, 1998.

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