Does anyone know the approximate population of SF at the beginning of the Twentieth Century? : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Does anyone know any census data from around the turn of the century? This is just for general knowledge, I am new to the area. Thank you, WFL

-- Willem Laan (, January 14, 1998


According to The San Francisco Almanac by Gladys Hansen, the US Census has the following figures for the population of San Francisco: Year - Population

1890 - 298,997 1900 - 342,782 1910 - 416,912 1920 - 506,676 1930 - 634,394 1940 - 634,536 1950 - 775,357

The book was published in 1975 by Chronicle Books with ISBN # 0-87701-073-0

Hope this helps, Tara Allison Munier

-- Tara Allison Munier (, May 02, 1998.

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