I need help with ADA codes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread

I recently sold an ADA update and I need the code heights to install the hall stations, ADA phone and the hall jam braille. The job is in Los Angeles.

-- George Culolias (trashtec@pacbell.net), January 13, 1998



The Justice dept has a web site where the complete ADA code can be accessed. Use a search engine you'll find it. You better hire some good people cause you sure ask for a lot of help.

Mr. Anon

-- Mr. Anonymous (Gofigure@aol.com), January 13, 1998.

Click here http://www.elevator-world.com/

-- Vern Keller (vpkeller@earthlink.net), January 15, 1998.

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