Tommy the Irish guy! : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Can someone tell me the name of Tommy the Irish guy in real life? I think he's the BEST!!!!
-- Kathryn Crevier (, January 05, 1998
His name is Jason Barry. He has also appeared in "O Mary This London", "Circle of Friends", "Last of the High Kings" and will be seen soon in "Snitch".
-- Brian Knatchbull (, January 06, 1998.
actually, the actors name is Danny Nucci
-- c (, January 20, 1998.
Danny Nucci played Fabrizio, Jack's Italian pal.
-- Kathleen Marcaccio (, January 28, 1998.
Jason Barry...I agree Kathryn...He is the best...I love his role in Circle of friends-- the man who plays his father is always telling him to shut his pie hole!
-- Kelsey Koch (, July 25, 1999.
I agree with all of you, I think that Jason Barry is soooo HOT!!
His accent makes him twice as hot!
-- Kimberly (, January 02, 2004.