Bacchus in Ovid's : LUSENET : Publius Ovidius Naso : One Thread |
I'm actually working on dionysism in Rome in the 1st century BC, and I am trying to show the differences in Bacchus' artistic and litterary representations before and after Augustus. If you have any information on this subject in Ovid's work, or anything on Bacchus in this period (websites, books, articles...), please leave an answer. Thank you very much!!
-- Stiphanie Wyler (, January 04, 1998
You can find some thoughts in my book "Zeitgeschichte in Ovids Metamorphosen" (Stuttgart: Teubner 1990), and - of course - in Franz Boemer's commentary on the Metamorphoses (vol. 2, Heidelberg ca. 1976).
-- Ulrich Schmitzer (, January 08, 1998.