Kentmere users?? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Hi, there I am currently using Kentmere's range of VC papers, what I would love to know is that are there any users of Kentmere lurking around? It seems that everyone else is using or raving bout agfa's and ilford papers!!! : )
-- Kenneth Seah (, January 04, 1998
hello,The same question has already been asked in the original forum. I will repeat what I answered there :
I'm only doing photography as a hobby for 2,5 years and tried three types of (multi-grade)paper so far : Ilford (the most expensive one of the three), Kentmere (about 3/4 the price of Ilford) and Sterling (the cheapest of the three). With the results I have had so far with Ilford and Kentmere, I'm very pleased. But I wouldn't go for Sterling anymore. Of course the results with Ilford are slightly better than with Kentmere (if you pay attention to it), but when I compared prices and quality, I decided to go for Kentmere.
Hope this helps
-- natalie degrande (, January 07, 1998.
The Kentmere is a very fine paper. However, If you develop it with a standard developer (like Dektol, Ilford PQ, etc.), you might not get very deep blacks. This paper needs a high energy developer like Multigrade or Multicontrast. A way to deepen the blacks is to selenium tone the prints. Then, the paper gives a unique beautiful cool purple tone, different from Ilford or Agfa, but as good as these papers.
-- Philippe Bachelier (, February 19, 1998.