Netscape vs. MSIE orders : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

I have a problem with orders that are placed in the Netscape browser. All cart and order information is okay, up until the point the buy2 (final purchase) command is invoked. It goes to the final screen but the order is not placed. The successful order screen and confirmation mail is sent in the MSIE browser. Has anyone else had this experience? Is there something in the code or browser preferences that I need to adjust? Thanks.

-- Keith Pratt (, December 23, 1997


Figured it out. The problem was Frontpage. I just used notepad and deleted the tags that frontpage places in down to the form tag. Everything above I deleted. If you look at the origional order.html in notepad or a regular text editor you will see how it should be.

-- Keith Pratt (, December 28, 1997.


Did you find exactly what was wrong? I have the same problem in my cart, netscape users can not order anything from my cart, everything exept the Name, Address etc is blank (Order info, Browser info etc).

Which chnages did you need to make?

Best Regards, Terje Dahl -

-- Terje Dahl (, August 21, 1999.

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