High Speed Rail in California?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Transit First San Francisco : One Thread

High Speed Rail in California?

-- richard (zpub@sirius.com), December 22, 1997


QUENTIN KOPP RESPONDS Editor -- In the December 1 edition your article omitted pertinent parts of my answers to questions at the first meeting of the California High Speed Rail Authority. Respecting the question of whether the high-speed train should end in Oakland or San Francisco, I did indeed state, as written, that an Oakland terminal would facilitate higher speed. I also, however, stated that a San Francisco terminal would attract more riders. The article omitted that important statement which encapsulates the decision that must eventually be made regarding the location of the high-speed rail terminal in the Bay Area. Senator QUENTIN L. KOPP (I-San Francisco/San Mateo)
Letters - SF Chroinicle December 16, 1997

-- richard (zpub@sirius.com), December 22, 1997.

I am 17, and I live in Sacramento. I fly currently alot between Scaramento/Bay Area and L.A. Using high speed rail is a wonderfull way of transportation, it has many advantages. One being downtown to downtown direct service. If the rail line ends in Oakland then you just lost the downtown S.F. to downtown L.A. connection. Think about the future, and put the station in S.F.

-- David J. Mead (Rugbyrosta@hotmail.com), May 09, 2002.

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