Exposure Meter Gadget - Lunasixgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I have a Lunasix 3 esposure meter that has a gadget that couples with it and, as I think, turns it into a exposure meter to use in the darkroom. The gadget has a window with the appearance of a honeycomb and it attachs to the top of the meter. The problem is that the instructions are write in Germany and I don4t know how to use it. Does anybody can help me with it ? I use mainly Ilford Multigrade IV RC paper and my enlarger is a Meopta.
-- Jose Henrique Fatia da Silva (Brazil) (fatia@datasus.gov.br), December 05, 1997
I have the same type and the instruction booklet - in German; but I could translate the relevant pages for you: please tell me, if you have the same 'Gebrauchsanleitung' 7909-0451YO, only in German. It works perfectly, and I would be glad to help you.Greetings, Ole Wagner
-- ole wagner (owpax@mail.dk), April 30, 2001.