Tampa Bay Area Large Format Groupgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
A group of about twelve large format photographers in the Tampa Bay area has recently formed. No dues or fees. We meet once a month for dinner and to show photographs, critique, etc. If you are interested in joining this group, send me an E Mail and I'll give you more details.
-- brian ellis (bellis@fowlerwhite.com), December 02, 1997
I'm interested in your group. Please send info. Thanks
-- Carol Gula ("cgula@innet.com"), December 30, 1997.
Brian, I live in Gainesville. Interested in your group. Please send me more info. Thanks, Sergio.
-- Sergio Ortega (s.ortega@worldnet.att.net), March 30, 1998.
Me too. I also live in G'ville, FL.
-- Masayoshi Hayashi (mhayashi@ufl.edu), June 14, 1998.
I'm interested in your group. How do I get information about meetings? I don't know how my mail ID will come across. I'm doing this through work PC.
-- Tim Kimbler (Tim Kimbler@work.com), July 30, 1999.
Hey B'ellis, Good luck with your new group. I live in SoCal and have always wanted to get a group together. Great idea. Keep us informed on how it's doing. James
-- james (james_mickelson@hotmail.com), July 31, 1999.