Trouble with selenium : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
There is no selenium toner selling in my country. Would anyone please,give me some clues on a mail-order address? Are there any other toner that would give the same result as the selenium toner? Would it be possible,to make it by our own?And how would I get such a formular? Appreciated if anyone can help.
-- Roam P. (, November 28, 1997
There is only one Selenium toner to consider and it is Kodak. You can get it from most mail order outlets, notoably Calumet Photographic in the USA. Phone (800) C-A-L-U-M-E-T. (800) 225-8638. FAX (800) 557-FOTO. Mail: Calumet Photographic, 890 Supreme Drive, Bensenville, IL, 60106, USA. Amazingly, they have no web site!! Current price is $53.09 for 1 gallon of concentrate. There is nothing indicating hazardous handling, so shipping internationally should not be a problem; I'm sure they do it. As to mixing it yourself, selenium toner requires too sophisticated a lab to make yourself, not worth it. Good luck. Just curious, what country are you in?
-- Michael D Fraser (, November 29, 1997.
calumet has an excellent web site:
-- suzanne taetzsch (, October 28, 1999.
Agfa's Sistan can be used for archival purposes, not for toning as a method to change contrast.
-- Lot (, October 30, 1999.