exposure time is too short!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
When I expose my printing paper for more than two seconds the print already is too dark!! So I don't have enough time to work on my negative (for dodging and burning)!!What can I do to lenghten my exposure time??
My negatives have a correct(medium) density and I use neutol as a paper developer
Mayby my lamp is too strong (I use a 60W lamp)
-- Angelica van Houwelingen (a.h.r.vanhouwelingen@student.utwente.nl), November 19, 1997
Angelica,Perhaps a little more information from you would haelp to answer this question. Are you using an enlarger, or just a "lamp" as you say and contact printing. If you're using an enlarger you might want to check at what aperature you have set the lens, i.e. f/5.6, f/22, etc. If it is set on any number other than its minimum i.e. f/22 (or thereabouts, depends on the lens) you can stop it down to allow less light to pass through. If you are contact printing with just a single light source and no lens, you will need to move the light source further away from your paper. Please feel free to e-mail me with the specifics if you want. I'm not sure if this answer helps as I'm not sure if I have all the information.
-- Jef Torp (JefTorp@aol.com), November 19, 1997.