6x7 negative carrier needed for Honeywell/Nikorgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Hello all, I own an older Honeywell/Nikor enlarger and am in need of a 6x7 or 2 1/4 square negative holder for it. Also, does anyone have any infomation on this enlarger, such as when they were produced and what they're capabilities are? I bought it at a hamfest a few years back for only $20, and since then bought a color head for it and a Nikor lens. It seems to give me good results, but I've only used it for smaller prints.Thanks, Mark Ebert
-- Mark Ebert (mde@tellabs.com), November 11, 1997
Mark,I realize its been awhile since your posting, but I just discovered the site. Several times when I've needed neg carriers that were unavailable commercially, I went to a good machinist and had them made to my specs. It really wasn't that expensive and they even anodized them for me. An even cheaper solution is to take the machinist a carrier you already have and ask him to cut it out for your new format or duplicate it with a larger opening.
-- Joel Pickford (pickimage@csufresno.edu), March 16, 1998.
You can use a carrier for the Saunders 670 or 6700 enlarger, they are identical to the nikor. You may be able to find one used vor just get a new one.
-- bill moore (wmoore@provide.net), June 14, 1998.