What enlarger do I want to buy?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Taken a couple of classes and now want to start making my prints at home. I have a 4x5 and 35MM B&W negs. What is a good starter enlarger that will do both formats?

-- Don Noll (dnoll@ic.net), November 10, 1997


Response to What enlarger do I want to buy


I think you've probably opened up a whole can of worms with this question. I have to ask, what do you mean by 'starter' enlarger? Do you mean inexpensive or upgradable, or both. I can only speak for what I have used in the past. I started out with a used Beseler 45. I don't remember the letter designation on it. I came with a condensor head on it so that is what I used. I eventually upgraded to a Zone VI cold light, then eventually upgraded to the Beseler 8X10 conversion head. My point is that the enlarger was able to grow to suit my particular needs. I don't know if other enlargers are capable of doing the same thing. As I said, my overall experience is limited to this model. I found the enlarger easy to use, although I struggled a bit initially to get it aligned properly. I have read that the Zone VI enlargers are easier to align. My advice would be to try and find people in your area who have enlargers and find out what they like and dislike. Also see if you can use some of them to see how they fit. Then spend as much money as you can afford to get the best enlarger you can. Nothing will frustrate you more than having an enlarger that won't perform up to your needs. Therefore, it is important to really determine what your current needs are, and weigh them carefully against anticipated (and unanticipated) future needs.

Hope this helps a little.


-- Jef Torp (JefTorp@aol.com), November 10, 1997.

If you are serious about printing 4x5 negatives as well as 35mm then you are limited to a handful of 4x5 enlargers. Durst, Omega, Beseler all make a 4x5 enlargers and they also all have web pages: www.durst.it www.omega.satter.com www.beseler-photo.com You can sometimes find good deals on used items (take a look at www.cu.soltec.com/~terrys/darkroom/). I have a lot of experience with the Omega D5, and I like it. BUT it is, like all of the 4x5 enlargers, physically very big (tall, wide, and deep). It is a "system" enlarger that has different heads (colour, variable contrast) and accessories available.

-- Tony Doucet (tdoucet@hydro.mb.ca), January 08, 1998.

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