Z6 cold light head and VC papers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Is anyone using a Zone 6 cold light head with vc papers? I would be very interested in knowing what filters you use. jack gottlob

-- Jack Gottlob (sam@injersey.com), November 08, 1997


i have used the ildord mg filters in the past with he zone vi head. i found with ilford, seagull, kodak and zone vi brilliant vc papers the filter ratings, for gradeing purposes, were totally wrong. with graded papers, my negative exposure and development were geared to a grade 2 or 3 for the final print. with the filters and a vc paper, a grade 2 was generally made with a 0, 1/2 or 1 filter. if i wanted lower grades it was necessary to utilize selectol soft developer to attain the lower grades. my experience is that if you negatives are low contrast then the cold light head and filters works fine, but if you have set up your process for graded papers, you may nedd to modify your process to utilize the vc paper most effectively.


Add a CC40Y filter under the cold light head and then the variable contrast filters are corrected.

-- Dave Richardson (taps@interlog.com), August 13, 1999.

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