practitioner needed : LUSENET : APA Division 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology : One Thread

I am looking for a sports psychologist to work with a PGA (golf) professional. He is interested in addressing performance issues which he feels are unique to golf. Metropolitan New York area, and environs OK (Conn, NJ, Westchester).

-- jill silverman (, November 05, 1997


Dear Jill, I saw your request for a sports psychologist to work with a PGA golfer. I am a psychologist with an assessment procedure and intervention program designed for professional and amateur golfers. I am a 3 handicap player and my colleague in designing the program, Oscar Coetzee, is a masters level psychologist who is a scratch golfer and in the golf industry. We are both accomplished amateur players, and have begun to develop our program for the broader market, but prefer working with individuals. Let me know if you would like to have me speak with your golfer to assess his/her concerns. I'd look forward to the opportunity to be helpful. Yours Truly, Marshall Mintz,Psy.D.

-- Marshall Mintz, Psy.D. (, November 11, 1997.

I would also recommend you contact Dr. Shane Murphy who is the current president of the American Psychological Association, Division 47. Prior to moving to his private consulting work, Dr. Murphy was the sport psychologist for the United States Olympic Committee. He has worked with thousands of athletes from almost every sport and is a recognized expert in the field. He can be reached at Good luck.

-- Trent A. Petrie, Ph.D. (, November 16, 1997.

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