Hypo eliminator effectiveness with ammonium fixers.greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Technical literature from both Kodak and Ilford claim the effectiveness of their respective Hypo-eliminator products (HYPO CLEARING AGENT and GALERIE WASHAID) when used in conjunction with sodium hyposulfate and sodium thiosulfate fixers.But what's the REAL effectiveness of such products when used in conjunction with an ammonium thiosulfate fixer such as Ilford Hypam ??
I apply an Hypo eliminator treatment to my fiber-based prints, while I only rinse RC prints. I wonder if such a treatment is useful or not....
-- Carlo Rogialli (carlo.rogialli@recsando.mi.it), October 29, 1997
Neither Kodak hypo clearing agent or Galerie Wash Aid are hypo eliminators. They are wash aids. Ilford recommends a 10 minute soak in a wash aid as part of their archival wash sequence when using Multigrade fixer which is a ammonium triosulfate fixer. Lacking the testing facilities, money, and time to test I take their word for it. Hypo eliminator is rumored to do more harm than good therefore a wash aid is used to shorten the wash time.
-- Garry Teeple (gteeple@mail.coin.missouri.edu), November 08, 1997.