graded paper : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
The "old" Oriental Seagull graded fiber based paper is no longer available, and I am looking for a replacement. I am considering Forte, although someone in another chat room thought Azo would be an excellent choice. I mostly contact print 4X5 negatives and print quality is everything. I believe in working and artfully mastering one paper and don't have the time or inclination for a lot of experimentation and testing. Azo seems very attractive, but does it come in anything but single weight and can it be used for an enlarged image?And how about Forte?
-- Jim Ryder (, October 25, 1997
Azo is a great paper for fine prints. However it is a contact speed paper only. I use a 50 watt bulb in a point light source housing.
-- Ron McElroy (, December 24, 1997.
When Seagull was available, my customers and I were unable to see any difference between it and Zone VI Brilliant. Calumet sells Zone VI paper now, so you might want to give that a try.
-- Darron Spohn (, February 04, 1998.