Enlarger Lens for Medium Format

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have a Beseler 67s Dichro enlarger that I presently use for 35 mm B&W printing. I would like to try a larger format. What would be a good size lens to start with.

Thanks Phillip Allen

-- Phillip R. Allen (pierron@aol.com), October 20, 1997


RE: Enlarger lens for medium format

The standard printing lenses for medium format have a focal length in the range 75..90 mm.

You can find a lot of options, with any kind of performance (and price) in this range of focal lengths.

The cheaper lenses normally use 3 or 4 elements and, in my opinion, offer poor results.

6-elements lenses, such as Componon form Schneider and Rodagon from Rodenstock, offer VERY good results, and are the "standard" choice for a "serious" amateur.

You can obtain Top-Level performances (and prices) from the Apochromatic versions of the same lenses (APO Componon and APO Rodagon).

A further option is offered by some Wide-Angle lenses, available from both the vendors outlined before. These lenses have a focal length shorter than normal (around 60 mm), but still offer the coverage necessary to print a 6*6 cm neg. The advantage lies in the maximum magnification obtainable on the baseboard of your enlarger, that is obviously higher. I never tried this kind of lenses, but they should work almost as fine as "standard" 6 elements lenses.

Sorry, I don't have data for Nikkor lenses (but I know they are fine).

You can find detailed technical information on the www sites from Schneider Optics (http://www.schneideroptics.com/) and Rodenstock (http://www.rodenstockoptics.com/).

Ciao ! Carlo

-- Carlo Rogialli (carlo.rogialli@recsando.mi.it), October 23, 1997.

Med. Format Enlarger Lenses

I have a Beseler High Density, 80mm f 4 enlarging lens that I bought about 11 yrs. ago and love it. I used to have a Schneider f5.6 but gave it to a friend when I first obtained the Beseler. If you can yet find one, I recommend it highly

-- H. David Huffman (craptalk@ix.netcom.com), May 12, 1999.

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