Starting a Large Format Group in San Francisco Bay : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Anyone interested in joining other large format photographers in the San Francisco area once a month on a regular basis, such as first Sunday of every month, at various locations ? Attempting to start such a group that would each month meet at a different location, such as Muir Woods, Point Reyes, Mt. Tam.,Marin headlands, etc. Maybe ocassional longer trips to Yosemite or Shasta. The idea being a workshop type learning enviornment for everyone of different skill levels, beginners to experts. Only thing I respectfully request is if you say you are going to join us, out of respect for the others, please show up :-). Other than just want to learn and make some nice images. Please e-mail me if this sparks your interest, and I'll get back to you with details as I have them.
-- Peter Thoshinsky (, September 25, 1997
please send some information. thanks.
-- steve reczkowski (, July 10, 1998.
Tryed to get intouch with U a number of times but keep getting no answer. If anyone is intersted in getting a group together please e-mail me. Lets have some fun. There is a small group here in Concord and would like to meet more LF users. Have a place to meet in Martinez. Talk to soon Joe Good
-- Joseph Good (, April 20, 1999.
If this is still a live idea, please contact me. I would enjoy going out to shoot with any accommodating LF shooter. Do not yet have LF gear but can rent and the experience would help me refine my decisions about hardware, and would be a whole lot of fun too.Art
-- Art Tyree (, April 17, 2001.
I, too, would love to be a part of a group like this. I have recently taken a nose dive into the format, and would like to see new places, meet new people, and have better techniques.
-- Andy Biggs (, April 24, 2001.
Hello all. Ditto the above. I would love to find a group of LF users to meet with. I hope this is still a live group. Please notify me with any info. Thank you very much, Frank
-- Frank C. Burtnett (, May 19, 2001.
Frank-I never heard back from anyone about a group. Suffice to say it never took off. You can reach me by email, and we can start from here, I guess.
-- Andy Biggs (, May 19, 2001.