Enlar.Filters-Fiber Papergreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
This may sound stupid but does it effect the filters power if its distance from the lighthead and lens, if its laying on the paper say? I was wondering if anyone knew if anyone sold those shade sheets. So if I wanted a test strip all I would do is lay it out, turn on the enlarger for fifteen to sixty minutes, and then voila the shades would do the work. It can get tiring to pause every one second. I found one, a projector wheel, by Delta, but the increments are a bit jumpy. It goes from 16 to 32 eventually and thats too drastic. Fiber paper! Can someone settle this. Are there more tones offered in Fiber then RC? What are the difference between making a Fiber print and an RC print? Personally when I make the jump its from Agfa MULTI MCP310 to Ilford Fiber MG(something) 1K.
-- Albert Hasselsjo (ai312@freenet.hamilton.on.ca), August 21, 1997
First: For years I have had and used a Kodak Projection Print Scale, to varying degrees of success. I think they are yet available and mine comes in scales: 2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24 & 32. Fiber papers are those that have the emulsion on PAPER. RC papers have a coating of Resin onto which the emulsion layer is either spread or intermixed. Both are good papers but the Fibers have it over the RC's for permanence. This should get me in a bee's swarm of comment.
-- H. David Huffman (craptalk@ix.netcom.com), May 12, 1999.
Hello Albert,The gradation of the filters and there effect on the paper are not influent by the distance of enlargerscale. The enlarging scale itself will reduce the gradation on the paper. With other words, how higher your enlager how softer the photo will get (when using the same filter). I personnally make my small prints allways without filter, with some experience it is easy to judge from the small print which gradation you should use.
Have some fun,
-- Pascal van Heesch (pheesch@europe.cirquedusoleil.com), January 05, 2000.