Orbit bath with Fibergreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
First, this is a nice forum setup (I've spent lots of time playing with cgi recently, and this forum seems to be set up well).OK, here's a first thread: I'm relatively new to fiber paper, and I'm wonder how essential it is to use orbit bath, and what your time suggestions, brand suggestions are. I use Ilford paper chemicals with MG IV FB.
Let's start talking.
Cheers, Paul
-- Paul W. Rodney (pwrodney@indra.net), August 21, 1997
Orbit bath, or the various hype clearing agents are a big help with fibre based paper. They do reduce wash times. Look in Photo Techniques, Jul/Aug 96 issue for a good article discussing print washing. Basically is is a time factor more than an agitation one. Using the hypo clear solutions speeds things up considerably. Also, it is one of the very good magazines to subscribe to, especially if you do your own darkroom work.
-- Dan Smith (shooter@brigham.net), August 25, 1997.
Paul, I'm sorry to reveal my ignorance, but what's and orbit bath? I've been using the Ilford doubleweight fibre papers for several years and have made-do with a primative washing system. I'll check back in with you for more details.
-- oso (learn@harbornet.com), August 25, 1997.
Since the early 70's, when I first remember Orbit Bath emerging, I have used the product on all fiber papers, as well as RC, and can find nothing to complain about. It cut wash times from 30-60 minutes to 5-10 minutes, and works equally well with films.
-- H. David Huffman (craptalk@ix.netcom.com), May 12, 1999.