B/W Polaroid emulsion transfer

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I am interested in any experiences concerning black/white Polaroid emulsion transfer. I have been trying to work with 4x5 films: Polapan Pro 100 (type 54) and sepia film following Polaroid instructions . So far, no success in separating emulsion, except of very small pieces. I have experimented with quite old prints as well as freshly processed film. No difference. Any suggestions? Marek LIGHTSCAPES: Photography & Polaroid Transfer Art by Marek Uliasz http://www.aster.com/marek/gallery/ ~

-- Marek Uliasz (uliasz@aster.com), August 21, 1997


Please note that the original question in this thread was about Polaroid B&W emulsion transfers. Now, we are talking about B&W image transfers. These are two very different techniques.

Concerning B&W image transfers, I am using 35mm PolaPan film which produces B&W slides, and then I am using them in the Daylab printer. I have examples of image transfer (the same object: stairs) made from color slide and B&W slide in my web gallery: http://www.aster.com/marek/gallery/archit.htm

Photography & Polaroid Transfer Art
LightScapes: http://www.aster.com/marek/gallery/

-- Marek Uliasz (uliasz@frii.com), November 17, 1998.


This may be of help to you. Polaroid's magazine recently did an article on B&W emulsion transfers but I do not remember the issue. If this site reference does not work, it is from the Polaroid web site.

-- Gail Green (gail.green@sba.gov), September 14, 1998.

Let me kick down some knowlege... Set up your 4x5 view camera with type 59 (iso 80) color sheet film in the holder. Attach a B&W photgpraph to the wall and re-photograph it. The color emulsion of the polaroid film is only seeing a B&W image. Presto! A B&W image on an easily transferable emulsion. Wanna get really tricky? Think a little about color temperature. If you are using a daylight balanced source to light your photo on the wall, the outcome on Type 59 (which is daylight film) will be a neutral toned B&W. Want a sepia? Use a Tungsten source. Still not satisfied...try different colored filters over the lens. Have Fun!!!

-- Jeremy Sawatzky (jsawatzky1@juno.com), November 16, 1998.

I have had good luck taking slides of my B&W prints with my 35 mm camera, and then printing them with my Daylab Jr. I take some outdoors for a natural look, or blue toned look when I use tungsten film and I get a sepia look inside with tungsten light and daylight film. This way you don't need that 4x5 camera, just a 4x5 daylab.

Good luck.

Soren Coughlin-Glaser glasers@teleport.com

-- Soren Coughlin-glaser (glasers@teleport.com), November 17, 1998.

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