I'm outa here!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : occasional planet : One Thread

Unfortunately, I've learned that Hotmail is only slightly faster than the US Postal Service -- in the Ben Franklin era. It takes approximately 30 minutes to pull down a single message. So, until I have an E-Mail account, I'm back to snail-mail. You can reach me at 1212 Pamlico Drive, Greensboro, NC 27408.

-- richard wells (floydwells@www.hotmail.com), August 21, 1997


wait! floyd, don't go!

Hey Floyd - I know the free (cheap) email services aren't so fast and can be buggy at times, but you've got hang in there. I'm calling you tonite to correct the problem. You need to check out netaddress to get your email setup - you'll have the same domain as me and Carol -- usa.net -- quite patriotic, don't you think?

You can collect your mail without even having a web session up - just plain old email. Let me set it up for you!!!!!!

Just stay online!!!!

pleadingly, Dale

-- Dalebatross (dale.swanson@usa.net), August 21, 1997.

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