6x9 Rollfilm holders for 2x3 Horseman-what's best?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have just purchased a Horseman 985 (2x3) folding field view camera. My question: Are there other brands of rollfilm holders, used, available that are of good quality? Also does anyone know of an optical, mirror or reflex type viewer that will mate to the ground glass back of this camera?

-- Marty Knapp (mknapp@nbn.com), August 07, 1997


I believe that the 6x9 horseman field cameras had a "Grafloc" type back, or that adapters to "grafloc" are available. If this is so,you can use Graflex RH series 120/220 backs. To use this back you first focus and compose the image, then remove the ground glass and insert the back in it's place. Graflex rollfilm holders are available on the used market for about $100.00 to 175.00 depending on the condition.

-- Britt Leckman (bk52396@patriot.net), August 11, 1997.

The standard Horseman 985 did come with a Grafloc back. I previously used a 985 for a while before buying my present VH. I have found the best backs to use are the newer Horseman (all black) ones. From my experience, I suggest that you stay away from the older non-Horseman backs. The ones that I tried on my 985 had very poor film flatness, which becomes pretty obvious once you look at your chromes under a loupe. I never noticed a flatness problem with the older Horseman backs. I just don't like them as much because they are quite heavy by comparison. I have heard that Linhof backs (the ones for their 6x9 cameras) should also work, but have never tried one. The Mamiya RB backs look almost identical, but they are designed for 6x7 - so they come up a little short. Would likely work with a little modification. About the Reflex Viewer - there is a Horseman viewer currently available for the VH(R) that will fit the 985 as well (according to the owners manual). All you need is the standard "Grafloc" back. B&H have a picture of it on their website under their Large Format-Horseman section. Although, I found it cheaper and quicker to get mine through Badger Graphics. If you want more info feel free to send me an e-mail.

-- Paul Martinez (Paul_D_Martinez@amat.com), August 13, 1997.

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